Welcome to Music For Schools... high quality songs & musicals for children!

Established in 2003 - based in North East England. Our children's songs & musicals are used in thousands of schools around the world. We also deliver educational music workshops to schools & nurseries in Durham, Sunderland & Gateshead. When you buy our musical resources you benefit from our unlimited public performance licensing!   Get in touch (top right tab).

Primary School Musical Plays

Browse through our categories of Royalty FREE (to UK schools) primary school musical plays.

Each Music For Schools product page enables you to listen to song samples and view sample pages from the scripts and resource files.

Christmas Nativity Play, Christmas Musical Nativity, Early Years Nativity

An Easy Cheesy Nativity is a 25 minute musical nativity play for early years children, aged 3 to 6, making it ideal for pre-school, nursery and reception children.

Product details...

Primary School Nativity Play



A One-Act Primary School Musical Play with an African Animal Theme. This 35+ minute show is ideal for ages 5 to 9 making it suitable for KS1, lower KS 2, Infants, First and Primary Schools. Full of animal antics, intrigue and mystery, with great animal songs and a simple script.

Primary School African Themed Musical


Good News is a one-act primary school Easter musical: a modern-day children's school production re-telling the Easter story through songs and powerful words (for ages 7 to 13). Now comes as a fully downloadable resource: mp3 music files (including backing tracks) plus full online access to the PDFs of the script, lyrics, staging notes and sheet music (see sample). Plus FREE karaoke 'sing & learn' videos!

Good News - Primary School Nativity Play


A magical mix of 14 tree-themed Christmas songs set to familiar tunes (nursery rhymes and other favourites) - for an easy solution to your musical Christmas Nativity play performance for ages 3 to 9.  Ideal for your pre-school, nursery, infant and primary school Christmas show, with the Christmas tree as the central focus.

Product details...

School Christmas Songs to easy tunes for ages 3 to 9.


Primary school Christmas musical / Christmas school production with a twist. One Bright Night is an animal-themed one-act Christmas show for ages 6 to 9. A fun alternative to nativity plays, christmas songs and productions, yet with a respecful traditional ending. Full of humour and catchy songs!

Primary School Nativity Play


A One-Act Primary School Musical Play about People Who Help Us. This 35+ minute show is ideal for ages 5 to 9 making it suitable for KS1, lower KS 2, Infants, First and Primary Schools. Full of people who help us songs and a great script.

Primary School Musical Play


Save our Planet - One-act children's plays (for ages 6 to 9) Musicals For Children With ECO Friendly Messages, Children's plays focused on messages about recycling and reducing global emissions, ECO friendly primary school plays with great singing opportunities.

Primary School Play


Primary School Production, Stella the Starfish is a magical, one-act, underwater musical for Key Stage 1 (ages 5 to 7). Musicals for children with colourful sea creatures, Stella the Starfish. Arranged for piano/keyboard/guitar - primary school play. Now a fully downloadable resource!

Primary School Summer Musical


Primary school songs, whole group and small-group singing. The Puzzled Penguin is a wintery one-act musical with speaking parts for ages 6 to 9, about a lonely penguin who thinks she can fly. Now a fully downloadable resource!

Primary School Christmas Musical


Musical play, Trapped in Cyberspace is an exciting one-act show for primary school leavers (ages 10-11). A fast moving storyline in this, one of our favourite, Primary school plays. Running time of 35 minutes plus.

Primary School Musical


School Performance, School Assemblies, Musicals For Primary School Children, Welcome To Our World is a whole-school song and dance spectacular musical show. This double CD resource comes with FREE access to the online e-booklet of detailed notes and lyrics.

Primary School Musical


Search Music For Schools by Keyword

See our newest resource Bouncebackability 8 super emotional resilience songs for children about emotional wellbeing and resilience. Visit our new resource for early years rhythm and rhyme and our letters and sounds phase 1 songs suitable for the Early Years Foundation Stage! Visit our nursery songs and early years songs here, including our PSED songs PSHE songs for Early Years Foundation Stage! Plan ahead with our range of KS2 Easter musicals and Easter songs for children. Key Stage 1 and whole primary school song and dance spectacular here plus our lively Year 6 leavers plays and our newest primary school show, People Who Help Us - The Musical! Don't miss our junior Easter musical or Sing Easter! our CD of Easter assembly songs. View our KS1 musicals and KS2 musicals.  See our Foundation Stage Maths Songs for Early years MathematicsLooking for musical plays or musicals for children? Our school musicals and plays are all tried and tested. Don't miss our Christmas musical plays , songs CDs and early years nativity musicalsLooking for musicals for schools or plays for kids?  See our key stage 2 healthy eating short play scripts and don't forget to visit our school leavers plays and school leavers musicals! Finally our brand new Christmas nativity songs resource Here We Go Round The Christmas Tree - for ages 3 to 9 - see our promo on YouTube HERE. Don't forget to visit our newest resource bouncebackability to promote children's personal well-being and resilience through songs. I love my school song mp3 options in many of our resources.