Good News
Original & best-selling primary EASTER STORY musical with 8 Engaging Easter Story Songs for juniors / KS2 - now £21
Each product page features small playback buttons beneath each song title, but if you can't see them, it's likely they've been blocked by your browser security settings. Solution... on this page you can access all our song samples, by scrolling down to each resource and clicking on each song title. This launches your computer's resident media player (e.g. Windows Media Player, Quicktime, etc.) to playback each song. These files are free to share and download !
(Files are excerpts only and in MP3 format for quick download. They don't include the full song or the high audio quality that you'll experience on all our product CDs.)
Get Out of This Temple (school performance)
Who Baked The Bread (school performance)
Tell Me How You're Feeling Today
What Shall I Play With Today ?
Here We Go Round The Christmas Tree
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Lights
I Wish I Was A Fairy On A Christmas Tree
Three Crabs Playing On A Sandy Beach
Let's Go Looking For A Monster
Cow's Song (school performance)
Sheep's Song (school performance)
Hop Hop Lollipop (Lollipop People Song)
Penguin Song (school performance)